Acetate and Lightbox:

I decided to print out a couple of my images onto acetate and use a light box to project light through them. when looking at my image on acetate I believe that the translucency added a ghostly feel to the overall image, as if it was an apparition or mirage that could disappear at any moment. The images that I chose were of street lights at night, they were dark and harsh and I believe that the natural aspect of the trees provides a nice contrast to the urban setting, the colour scheme and lighting of these photos caused the images to seem cold and hard. However when placing them on top of a light box it seemed to make the image come alive and the light draws attention, I think that it animates the image and makes it appear warmer, and when looking at the street light it seems to jump out and glow, and I believe that the warmer tones that the light box adds softens the image and allows it to feel slightly more cosy than harsh.


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