Photographing light:

As a development from my initial ideas I wanted to explore and experiment more with light so I began taking photos of the artificial light that I am surrounded with, which included street lights, exit signs and ceiling lights, however, I found that when looking at the images of the exit signs and lights I thought that they were quite boring and I believe that I would need to develop them further either by editing and manipulating the on photoshop or by collaging them for them to be successful, but I think that they are a good starting point. I thought that this was an interesting development from my initial ideas and I have become interested in the way that light interacts with its surroundings, the majority of my outdoor photos have been taken at night which I believe provides a nice contrast between the light source and the night sky as well as provides a nice gradient of light across an object such as a tree trunk, and I believe that my most successful photos have been here tree branches cover sections of the image . 

My four favourite images are two that are of street lights and two that are of the moon, I believe that taking these photos at night invokes a more mysterious atmosphere for the image, the images are dark and moody and there is an undertone of danger due to the murky background. I especially enjoy the images that include tree branches, I believe that they ground that images and provide an earthy and natural aspect to the image that contrasts nicely with the street lights and artificial lights and I believe that the light and shadows being cast onto the tree branches add an eerie feeling to the overall image, like your mind is playing tricks on you and you're seeing things that aren't really there. Due to the time of year that these images have been take and the time of evening, these photos seem cold and barren, the leaves a falling from the trees and I believe that the images seem almost tired and worn out. 

I managed to capture a very successful image of a 'lunar halo' around the moon caused by light refracting through ice crystals, and can also be an indication of rainfall approaching, to me this images felt old and magical, the luna halo invoking a spiritual and supernatural atmosphere to the image, and when researching about luna halos and reading that they can be an indication of approaching rainfall it invoked an ancient and primitive feeling from me and I could imagine my ancestors looking up at the same phenomenon and using it to predict future rain. I am happy with the images that I have taken and I will continue to develop them further.
