Final Evaluation:

Overall, I believe that this project has been a success. I believe that I have shown the use of a variety of different processes and media throughout this project, and I think that there is a clear development and progress to my ideas and work that showcase my thought process and highlights the development of my technique and skills.

Two aspects of this projects that have helped me the most have been the artist research and the time that I was given for exploration and experimentation. I was able to work and discover at a comfortable pace and I believe that this really allowed my work to blossom. While searching for artists that connect to my work and used similar media I was inspired and motivated throughout this project. I was able able to see different media used in a variety of different ways and this in turn influenced my own work and inspired me to step out of my comfort zone.

I have learnt new processes during this project such a Cyanotypes, and by learning and developing these new skills I have have gained confidence not only in my work but also in my self and my decision making. By including my self in my final piece for the Portrait project I have had to look at my self in a new light and explore my own feelings. This project has allowed me to discover more about my self and grow as a person as well as an artists. Another aspect that I have found helpful during this project has been the one on one tutorials , I have had the support that I have needed and I was able to discuss and explain my ideas in a safe and supportive space, which allowed me to feel comfortable. 

I believe that analysing and thinking critically about my own work, has allowed me to truly understand what I do think about my work in depth. I am able to talk about my work without bias and criticise what I do as well as praise it, and I believe that I have continued to develop my language use throughout this project so that I can covey and explain not only what my work looks like, but the impact and feelings that it creates for a viewer. 

Overall, I believe that this has been a successful project and I have created a final piece that I am proud of. 


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