Basic home collection photography:

As a starting point for my for my photography I decided to go around my house and take photos of existing collections that I have. I decided to do this as it would not only allow me to practice with the camera but also give a a good set of base images to then develop later if I decided to. I chose to photograph items around my house because I believe that this allows me to show aspects of my life through these images, which then allows me to make a connection to the viewers. 

I wanted to focus on the more mundane items around my house and use different camera angles and lighting to make them more interesting, I believe that this technique has worked particularly well for the stereo images. I started with a head on shot with the stereo in the middle of the photograph and I think that the symmetry works really well in this image. I think that the result is neat and clean, there's no clutter or mess around the focal point and I believe that this causes the image to feel almost clinical. It's too neat. When looking at the image although I like the symmetry I think that the photograph looks very flat, there is no sense of depth which I believe would cause a disconnect for the viewer. To rectify this I have take some close up angled shots to allow the images to feel more dynamic. I believe that this has worked quite well and I love the emphasis on the reflections that can be seen on the CDs and the glass section on the stereo, and I believe that the shadows and depth created by the light elevate the image and draw attention to the detail. 

I believe that the other three images are less successful than the first three, however, I do really enjoy the the different aspects of light and shadows that I have captured. Especially the light being cast on the crystals which I believe creates a sharp focal point for the viewer. When looking at the image of a cluster of crystals I noticed that the image was far darker and moody compared to the others. I really like this effect as I believe that the grungy colour grading adds an atmosphere of magic and mystery to the image that works really well when paired with the crystals, that are inherently mystical. 

Unfortunately, I believe that the least successful images were the sock collection photos. Although  I do really like the the way that each item seems to connect and interest with each other within the image, as if they are talking to each other, creating a humorous image. And the how the shadows that have been cast create a nice sense of depth, I don't believe that either of these are overly interesting photos and I think that the composition seems messy and unorganised.

When looking at the first four images I think that they are ordinary but not boring, I believe that the use of household item allow the images to feel comforting and safe, they are objects that the viewer might be used to and may even have in their own home. There is a sense of humanity and heart within these images and I believe that feel soulful. 


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