Gel flex moulds:

I decided to make another Gel flex mould so that I could quickly produce plaster cogs at a higher rate. this time I went for a slightly firmer version of the gel flex so that they would not rip as easily when taking the cogs out. Unfortunately, when melting the gel flex in the microwave I did not take into account that the firmer Gel flex would take longer to melt that the regular Gel flex. And when pouring I quickly realised that it was not liquid enough. I stopped and made sure that the rest of the material was properly melted however the original Gel flex that I poured had warped slightly and not filled in all of the gaps properly. This then caused any plaster I poured into certain moulds to set at a slightly bent angle, however I don't believe that this is a complete failure as the nature of this project embraces imperfections. 



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