Photography documentation:

To begin my first project of the year I started by documenting different types of litter and waste that has been left around the area that I live in using photography. The images have been taken using either my iPhone or a Canon camera, and each image is clear and has the piece litter centred in the middle of the frame as the focal point and subject.

I wanted to add a performance element to the start of this project and really involve myself as a human being , so I walked the same route every day and managed to find something new each time. By physically walking and documenting I wanted to show that what is happening to the environment is real and can be experienced by anyone by simply going on a walk. I believe that this has a greater impact that if I was to just create a painting of litter as with my photos I am showing proof. 

To take this further as my project develops I was thinking about possibly using my images along side other materials to created a collage as I have been inspired by aspects of Dadaism. 


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