Found litter development:

To develop my piece I decided to make card board cut outs made from printed out images of the different types of litter that I found. I was inspire by artists such as Meredyth Sparks and Matt Lipps and their work surrounding collage and cut outs. 

I chose to create one large version and one smaller so that I was able to play about with the scale and size which I believe would allow me to make a more interesting composition rather than just have everything the same size. I wanted to be as eco friendly as possible while creating these as this is a performative aspect of my entire project, so I used biodegradable materials such as cardboard, paper and PVA glue which is semi biodegradable and more environmentally friendly than other synthetic  polymers. It took me a while to get the section on the back of the cut outs to stand up correctly and I had to reattach them a few times, but eventually I got them to work and was able to stand my pieces next to each other. 

While taking photographs of my finished pieces I decided to create my own mini photography studio, I draped a white sheet over a clothing rack as a back drop, placed my work on a white table and turned off the lights. I used a hand held torch as a make shift flash and took a coupe of photos of my work, I think that the cool white light looked a lot more professional than the alternative warm tone overhead light that was in the room. I started by placing the cut outs in varied distances from the camera but quickly found that this made the image look sparse and the gaps between each cut out was too large for my liking. I then moved them all closer together so that they looked neater and more uniform and I took a photo showcasing them all standing together, I also took some from different distances and angles and I believe that these are all successful images that fully show and display my work. 


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